Hammer of god mod review
Hammer of god mod review

I enjoyed the act of smoking and there is nothing that tastes and feels like a real cigarette, but through the science of vaping, I have been able to stay away to successfully break the habit. At one point in the early 90's I had the pleasure of touring the Marlboro plant in Richmond, where they encouraged you to "smoke em if ya got em" and even gave you a token to get the freshest pack of smokes from the vending machine in the "gift shop" that came straight off of the assembly line that day.

hammer of god mod review

Then all it would take would be a night out at the pub or a stressful day at work, and I was back to the stinkys. Listen man, I love vapin! I was a long time cigarette smoker and every time I tried to quit, I didnt actually quit smoking, I just quit buying cigarettes. These are issues we've seen and while it's only on a few of them, we want you to know that if you bought one and its not functioning properly, to please contact us ASAP so we can fix them. If you experience this, check your 510 - otherwise call us and we will set up a return so we can fix it for you. This is important to note because it could cause auto-firing. If you screw your adjustable 510 all the way to the left (down), it extends too long and touches the firing switch.

  • We discovered a design flaw that we will fix in the next round.
  • Please be careful when inserting your batteries - this should not be a major issue if you use caution and insert them correctly (positive in first). We have found that this happens when the edge of the top contact plate snags the edge of battery.
  • It has also come to our attention that a few people have experienced some battery sparking/flame issues with their Hammer of God box mods.
  • If you send it back to me, we will fix it for you and return it ASAP at no cost. It's a simple fix but if you are not comfortable soldering a wire, I ask that you contact me right away so we can take care of it for you. The box mod will still continue to function properly, but these wires powers the LED. We have also heard of this happening if you tighten your atty down too much. What we've found is that the nut on the inside of the 510 connection is loose and when someone screws on or off the atty, the entire 510 connection will spin, disconnecting the wires that is soldered to the bottom of the 510.
  • We've also seen that some of the LED displays are not working (or stop working).
  • hammer of god mod review

    Again, not a major flaw, just remove the piece of glue and no more rattle.

    hammer of god mod review

    This has been due to a loose piece of glue and can simply be extracted by removing the black panel on the inside of the device.

  • A couple of people have reported a "rattling" sound in the upper chamber.
  • This doesn’t affect use at all, but if you lose or are missing any magnets, please let us know and we will get you some replacements right away.
  • We have noticed that some of the magnets that hold the panels on may fall out and need a little lock-tight.

  • Hammer of god mod review